Tuesday, August 19, 2008

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

  • It amazes me that in this day and age that Second Hand Car Dealers can still get away with being lying bastards. I recently bought a second hand car from Keith Bass, Swaffham. Although he swore blind, that he was 'honest'. I'm not naive enough too believe every word that he said, for example, the one careful owner turned out to be at least 5 probably not so careful owners, so to summarize Keith Bass=lying git.
  • I quite like the Dragons Den programme, but there are several things about it that I don't like:
    • They seem to be using apprentice camera men, I'm sure this is supposed to look cool and trendy with them wobbling about all over the place, but they first did this with Network 7 and The Word in the late eighties/early nineties, not exactly and up to date technique. So my tips for the camera men are
        1. Point the camera at the person you are filming.
        2. Try to get the zoom right as quickly as possible.
        3. Once you have done the above try to keep the person you are filming in the middle of the screen.
    • Could the commentator/voice over bloke stop telling me what I was just watching and listening too two seconds ago. If Duncan says "I'm ooot", I don't need to be told that again. I KNOW I JUST BLOODY WATCHED IT.
    • The answer too the above question could be that Gollum isn't necessarily the best choice for a presenter for a business tv programme

1 comment:

Kitty said...

hi honey
i think the cameramen are trying to be artistic, but it doesn't work. lol.