Saturday, August 23, 2008

How much fun is this???

Guitar Hero 3

Got this today and I've been playing it to death, I'm on level 7 already.

DS Games played this week

Deal or No Deal
  • Nearly as annoying as the programme.
  • 3/10
  • Play again? No
MechAssault - Phantom War
  • The only proper mech game that I've player, not counting the Iron Soldier on the Jaguar. Good fun, ok graphics, lots of mechs and some minigames to hack other mechs and doors.
  • 7.5/10
  • Play again? Yes
Who Wants to Be A Millionaire
  • Does what it says on the packet really, nicely presented but not really my thing, I lost at about £5000 or £6000.
  • 5.5/10
  • Play again? Maybe
  • A vertical scrolling shoot-em-up, very nice graphics, quite tough though.
  • 7/10
  • Play again? Yes
Point Blank
  • A remake of the PS1 light gun game. Lots of fun, I want to try this on link-up. Makes me want to play the original again.
  • 7.5/10
  • Play again? Yes
  • A 3d platform game. I played the original 2d platformer years ago which I recall was fairly good. This however was yet another 2d game which some bright spark decided would be good as a 3d game. Its not terrible, the game play is ok, i've played much worse, the graphics aren't that good though.
  • 5/10
  • Play again? Maybe
Space Chimps
  • Got irritated very quickly, couldn't get through the first level.
  • 2/10
  • Play again? I'll give it another try
Spongebobs Atlantis Squarepantis
  • I like Spongebob. This is daft but fun. A 3d platformer in the way that the Lego Star Wars and Lego Indy are.
  • between 4/10 and 8/10
  • Play again? Yep
Telly Addicts
  • See Who Wants to be A Millionaire, a bit more fun though. I watch too much telly though as got 18/20 on my first go. Either that or my brain is full of crap.
  • 6/10
  • Play again? Maybe
Tony Hawks Proving Ground
  • Lots better than I though it would be, I've been a fan of the xbox version and thought this would just be a poor version but it is surprisingly good. I only did the tutorial and about 10 minutes of the first level but found it worked like the xbox one and though it will probably take me a little while to get used to the controls, this is one I'll definitely persevere with.
  • 8.5/10
  • Play again? Definitely
Top Trumps Horror and Predators
  • A bit boring really. Nicely presented, will probably be better multiplayer - could be worse, it could be the Dr Who one.
  • 5/10
  • Play again? Multiplayer - yes, otherwise no
Transformers - Autobots
  • Played for about 15 minutes. Graphics not that great, but game play was ok, and you can beat big robots.
  • 7/10
  • Play again? yes

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

  • It amazes me that in this day and age that Second Hand Car Dealers can still get away with being lying bastards. I recently bought a second hand car from Keith Bass, Swaffham. Although he swore blind, that he was 'honest'. I'm not naive enough too believe every word that he said, for example, the one careful owner turned out to be at least 5 probably not so careful owners, so to summarize Keith Bass=lying git.
  • I quite like the Dragons Den programme, but there are several things about it that I don't like:
    • They seem to be using apprentice camera men, I'm sure this is supposed to look cool and trendy with them wobbling about all over the place, but they first did this with Network 7 and The Word in the late eighties/early nineties, not exactly and up to date technique. So my tips for the camera men are
        1. Point the camera at the person you are filming.
        2. Try to get the zoom right as quickly as possible.
        3. Once you have done the above try to keep the person you are filming in the middle of the screen.
    • Could the commentator/voice over bloke stop telling me what I was just watching and listening too two seconds ago. If Duncan says "I'm ooot", I don't need to be told that again. I KNOW I JUST BLOODY WATCHED IT.
    • The answer too the above question could be that Gollum isn't necessarily the best choice for a presenter for a business tv programme

Sunday, August 17, 2008

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

The fact that every other song on the Kerrang sky channel is the fucking Foo Fighters - Ok, so Dave Grohl was in arguably the biggest rock band of the 90s, but he wasn't exactly the most talented member of the band. He's not a bad drummer (see QOTSA - Songs for the Deaf), but he would obviously rather be an actor judging from all the posing he does in the videos that they show on Kerrang every 5 minutes. Speaking of Kerrang, when i were a lad Kerrang used to be a rock and metal magazine, not a whiney bitch music magazine. PLAY SOME DECENT MUSIC.

People who put three thousand gadgets on there blog so that it takes a week to load and then crashes or locks your browser.

I should think that this won't be the last of
What Really Grinds My Gears

Album of the year so far

Ok, so this album (De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas) is 14 years old, but having only just discovered the joys of black metal (ignoring a brief interest in Venom) I came across this album, forget about all the controversies about Mayhem this is the best thing I've heard since I discovered Bolt Thrower. Grand Declaration of War is pretty good, though very different to DMDS, Grand Declaration even reminds me of some Voivod stuff.

Currently playing..

This is the first Zelda game I've played as I'm usually a major Final Fantasy fan, but I'm really enjoying this, especially with the good usage of the DS stylus for the boomerang and the bow and arrow.

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